Re: [orca-list] so how accessible *is* gnome 3.2 on fedora 16?

Peter Rayner <prayner unimelb edu au> wrote:
3.2 is what comes standard with fc-16 and it seems that 3.4 won't
arrive until fc-17 is finalized. I'm having little luck with gnome 3.2
with the supplied orca. I presume I can't just compile/install atk,
at-spi and orca from the 3.4 branches against gnome 3.2?  

You probably can do that, but it won't make Gnome-shell any more accessible.
So are
people managing to use gnome 3.2?  I'm especially interested in
hearing from fedora users but wisdom from anyone else who worked
through this would be more than welcome. 

Your best solution would be to move to Gnome 3.4 as quickly as possible. If
you can afford to run beta-quality releases of Fedora, you could upgrade as
soon as one becomes available. It all depends on how stable your system needs
to be and whether you have access to a machine on which you can install more
recent software.

I'm running Gnome-shell 3.2 in Debian and it's mostly inaccessible. Typing
Alt-F1 presents the overview and I am able to type the names of applications,
then select from the list which appears. Alt-F2 also works and allows me to
run applications, but without any access to the prompt.

Gnome-Terminal is mostly accessible though.

debian is in the midst of a transition to Gnome 3.4 currently - I'll be
getting rid of Gnome-Shell 3.2 as soon as 3.4 lands in the distribution repository.

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