[orca-list] Call for testing: Orca 3.4.1 in Ubuntu precise proposed updates.

Hi folks,
I am aware many of you are running Ubuntu precise at the moment, and are running orca 3.4.1 in some way or 
other, whether you built it yourself, or used packages from precise-proposed. However you are using it, I 
would ask that you please give your testing feedback on the following Launchpad bug, which is to get orca 
3.4.1 into precise-updates. https://launchpad.net/bugs/988685. If you are using precise, and are not running 
orca 3.4.1 yet, there are instructions in the bug report as to how to install the proposed orca 3.4.1 package 
update. The more positive reports, the quicker we can get the update verified and pushed out to a wider 

Thanks in advance for your time.


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