Re: [orca-list] qt-at-spi problems


I now tried with Skype in Ubuntu Precise.
When I activate a context menue with a skype contact, my braille display perfect presenting menu items, but Orca nothing spokening.
In debug.out file I see following traceback error message:
generate speech for unfocused'' name='Start Call' role='menu item' state='editable enabled focused sensitive showing visible' relations='' (args={'recursing': True, 'priorObj': <Accessible object at 0xb0834dc (AtspiAccessible at 0xaa5c520)>, 'role': <enum ATSPI_ROLE_MENU_ITEM of type Role>, 'mode': 'speech', 'formatType': 'unfocused'}) using 'newAncestors + newRowHeader + newColumnHeader + newRadioButtonGroup + labelAndName + menuItemCheckedState + availability + (mnemonic and (pause + mnemonic + lineBreak) or []) + accelerator + pause + positionInList + newNodeLevel + unselectedCell + (tutorial and (pause + tutorial) or [])'
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0017  ---->  newAncestors=[]
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0004  ---->  newRowHeader=[]
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0003  ---->  newColumnHeader=[]
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0002  ---->  newRadioButtonGroup=[]
GENERATION TIME: 0.0003 ----> labelAndName=['Start Call', {u'average-pitch': 3.0, u'rate': 90.0, u'family': {u'locale': u'hu', u'name': u'magyar'}}]
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0003  ---->  menuItemCheckedState=[]
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0003  ---->  availability=[]
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0002  ---->  mnemonic=[]
GENERATION  TIME: 0.0002  ---->  accelerator=[]
GENERATION TIME: 0.0002 ----> pause=[<orca.speech_generator.Pause instance at 0xa6ccfec>]

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/orca/", line 253, in generate
    globalsDict[arg] = self._methodsDict[arg](obj, **args)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/orca/", line 1731, in _generatePositionInList
    nextName = self._generateName(child)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/orca/", line 143, in _generateName
    role = args.get('role', obj.getRole())
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gi/", line 43, in function
    return info.invoke(*args, **kwargs)
GError: No such object path '/org/a11y/atspi/accessible/171029608'

Anybody confirming this issue?
Need reporting this issue in Bugzilla?
If yes, sure by sure I verifying the issue in a live CD to prevent false report.


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