Re: [orca-list] qt-at-spi

There are lots of nice tutorials on this which you can access but, I
will give you the very basics so you know how to guide your apt-cache

What you need:

1.  qt 4.8 installed:  Usually happens when you get a package like vlc
or amarok that relies on it.
2.  The qmake utility and the qt-4.8 development files:
3.  The qt-at-spi accessibility bridge from git:
git clone git://
4.  Install the source package with the following 3 commands:  (use
semicolon to make things easier for yourself)

as user:  $  qmake; make
As root:  make install

Alex M

On 6/9/12, mattias <mj mjw se> wrote:
how to get qt-at-spi work in deboan wheezy / testing

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