Re: [orca-list] Possible wordwrapping in Orca automaticaly with longer contracted braille output lines?

2012-06-02 14:50 keltezÃssel, Hammer Attila Ãrta:
Have Orca an undocumented setting possibility with wordwrap automaticaly
a longer Liblouis translate function generated contracted braille output
line with before a word not fit entire the braille display?
Some time for example if I reading an article with Firefox lot of line
longer and not fit entire the braille display. Usual this situation with
end of braille display the actual word with seeing end of the braille
display half readable, and if I scrolling right the braille display I
see the remaining part of the remaining word part and remaining line part.

What doing following settings?
# Braille alignment styles.  These say how to align text on the
# edges of the braille display.  The brailleAlignmentMargin value
# says how close to the edge of the braille the display the cursor
# cell can get.  The brailleMaximumJump says how far we can jump
# the display when aligning by word.
brailleAlignmentMargin  = 3
brailleMaximumJump      = 8
brailleAlignmentStyle   = ALIGN_BRAILLE_BY_EDGE

I tryed change my user-settings.conf file the brailleAlignmentStyle
setting from 0 to 2, but I not see any change.

Possible determining actual braille display size? If yes and a generated
contracted braille output line longer with the actual braille display
size, need wordwrapping the generated braille output before sending the
braille display with size-x characters, so need splitting a longer
contracted braille line with more lines. The purpose to not half
wordwrapping a word if not fitting the braille display.
For example, my braille display size is 71 cell. If Liblouis translate
function produced contracted line is longer this limit, need searching
the first space character before all 71 character have word part the
generated contracted braille output and inserting a \n simbol this
wordwrapped parts.

Orca supports already similar possibility?
If not and need this function with other braille users, I will be do an
enhancement request. If not supported yet Orca with similar function and
need this possibility, need this function a GUI possibility to possible
toggle on/off this future feature with user choice.

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I doed an enhancement request this wordwrapping problem related:

I try doing my local Orca source a hack, before Orca returning the contracted line, I inserted a textwrap.fill(contracted+'\n', width=68) code part. Unfortunately I doesn't see line breaks my braille display, but the generated testing debug.out file this longer lines correct wordwrapped.
Look for example following extra long generated contracted braille line:
BRAILLE LINE: 'h"romnapos {l1st tart a2 $or5"g4}l1s h1tf7n, kedden 1s 5erd"n. $els7 alkalommal m9dos|thatj"k a2 1v elej1n hat"ba l1pett' VISIBLE: 'h"romnapos {l1st tart a2 $or5"g4}l1s h1tf7n, kedden 1s 5erd"n. $els7 a', cursor=1

Original line is following from an article:
"HÃromnapos ÃlÃst tart az OrszÃggyÅlÃs hÃtfÅn, kedden Ãs szerdÃn. ElsÅ alkalommal mÃdosÃthatjÃk az Ãv elejÃn hatÃlyba lÃpett"

The generated contracted braille line is 121 characters length.


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