Re: [orca-list] is there a need for anti virus and or anti spyware programs in ubuntu linux?

Actually, I'm not sure that MacOS follows the Posix standard. It doesn't even follow the FSH (file system 
hierarchy) standard. Neither does Android, for that matter, but the Android source is still open. As for 
MacOS, although Darwin OS is an open source fork of FreeBSD or similar, MacOS is a very closed source fork of 
Darwin OS, and there's no way to determine what Apple has changed in the OS. Linux, on the other hand, is 
completely open source, and most distributions follow the Posix and FSH standards fairly closely. And because 
the Linux source code is open, security exploits are found and fixed more quickly. This does, however, mean 
that a Linux system must be kept up-to-date in order to ensure the highest level of sevurity.
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