Re: [orca-list] Keyboard shortcut for Orca help?

Let us see how a user can reach the Help page and go back to original window.
1. When Main window is displayed:
Press Alt+Tab one or more times to reach main window
Press Alt+H to open help main page (a new user may use Tab or Arrow and need more keystrokes)
Press Alt+Tab to move from main window to original window after exiting help
2. When Main window is hideen:
Press Orca+Space to start Orca Preferences
Press Alt+H to open Preferences help page (a new user may use Tab or Arrow and need more keystrokes)
Press Enter to open Main help page
Press Alt+Tab to move from preferences window to original window after exiting help

Requiring a sequence of 3-4 keystrokes to access and exit help is not so intuitive. I fear it is rather discouraging. It would be better to have a dedicated key binding to access help. It may encourage users to access the help page more often. Indeed it may make Orca Help more accessible in the long run.

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