[orca-list] can some one update me on the prospectus of Unity 2d and orca?

Hello all,
I have not got much time to read the emails off late.
I have been involved on a big campaign for promoting FOSS based education for disabled students in India. I have herd that Ubuntu 12.04 is going ahead very smoothly and has lots of promises. I even replied to another thread on orca list asking about updates, but did not get response.

So can some one update me on how is it going?
If i decide to test the latest Ubuntu, what should I look for?
Are we going to have a totally new Orca for unity 2d?
I have till date stuck to Ubuntu 10.10 and gnome2.
What will I have to learn for making the shift?
Do we have a tutorial for all the new features and keyboard shortcuts?
How is accessibility going ahead on webkit?
Are some major changes expected on accessibility with firefox and libre office spreadsheet?
happy hacking

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