Re: [orca-list] supporting skype?

I don't see John's question below, but I use skype with the Pidgin
plugin all of the time. I find it works flawlessly, although I am unable
to receive calls. Clicking on any button in the dialog box that pops up
when I get an incoming call has no effect. this used to work, but some
upgrade a long the way seems to have broken this for me. I also don't
use Skype to text chat, but the one time I tried it, it didn't seem to
be accessible either. Hmm, I guess I shouldn't have said it works
flawlessly, but I do use it to talk to people on a daily basis. If
anyone knows how to get text chatting and answering incoming calls to
work, I'd be interested in that information. Note that right now I'm
running Vinux 3.2 which is based on Ubuntu 11.04.

I'm not sure what John was asking, but Skype is a QT application and
there's a lot of work going on right now to get QT accessibility
working. I've even heard people reporting success with QT applications
in Ubuntu 11.10 and the alphas of Ubuntu 12.04.

On 23/02/12 15:28, Julien Claassen wrote:
Hi John!
  did you try Pidgin's skype plugin? I've used it tis winter and, once
it starts, it is pretty stable. Only startup can take one or two extra
tries. I could answer calls, make calls and see, who of my friends was
online (well mostly, the display of that sometimes behavederratically
:-) ).
  Warmly yours

Christopher (CJ)
chaltain gmail com

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