Re: [orca-list] Pdf accessibility in Linux was Re: Trying Quantal Quetsal Alpha 3

I tried Evince once more last night just to refresh my memory of the
experience.  I went onto the python site and downloaded the python 2.7
documentation, unzipped it and tried opening one of its files.  I
tried both Evince and Acroread again, actually.  Anyway, finding and
opening the file were not hard.  Once I wanted to navigate it though,
I did not get anything at all.  With Acroread, I got the bookmark list
which was a series of roman numerals.  Each pdf file in this archive
had such a bookmark list.  Al the other panes for commenting,
attaching files, oh, ... all that sutff were acessible.  Evince's
corresponding menu items were too.  In neither case was I able to read
any of the text at all.  In Adobe, I even tried the "read out loud"
feature after I hunted down gnome-speech, instaled festival and
configured it to work with pulse audio.  Nothing.

Alex M

On 8/3/12, Juanjo Marín <juanjomarin96 yahoo es> wrote:

may be some one could write to him and explain the importance to get
this on a priority list if he has one.
I don't think is necessary, he's aware of its importante and he's expressed
personally his will to work again on this. He's cc'ed btw :-)


    -- Juanjo Marin

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