Here are my answers to your 3 survey questions re: the design of the
Orca preferences dialogue, as it is now constructed.
The questions are re-posted here, for the reader's convenience. Each
option is named, followed by the answers to the three questions; answers
will be a comma-separated list of 'y' and 'n' values.
1. Do I know exactly what this option is for? (without looking in Help)
2. Do I use this option?
3. Can I imagine why I or another Orca user might need this option?
general->keyboard layout: y, y, y;
general->show orca main window: y, y, y;
general->quit orca without confirmation: y, n, y;
general->present tooltips: y, n, y;
general->speak object under mouse: y, n, y;
general->time format: y, y, y;
general->date format: y, y, y;
general->active profile: n, n, y;
general->startup profile: n, n, y;
voice->voice type: n, y, y;
voice->speech system: n, y, y;
voice->speech synthesizer: y, y, y;
voice->person: n, y, y;
voice->rate: y, y, y;
voice->pitch: y, y, y;
voice->volume: y, y, y;
voice->break speech into chunks between pauses: n, n, n;
voice->speak multi-case strings as words: n, n, y;
voice->say-all by: n, n, y;
speech->enable speech: y, y, y;
speech->verbosity: n, y, y;
speech->table rows: n, y, y;
speech->punctuation level: y, y, y;
speech->speak only displayed text: n, n, y;
speech->speak blank lines: y, y, y;
speech->speak indentation and justification: y, n, y;
speech->speak object mnemonics: n, n, y;
speech->speak child position: n, n, n;
speech->speak tutorial messages: n, n, y;
speech->progress bar updates: y, y, y;
speech->progress bar updates->frequency: y, y, y;
speech->progress bar updates->restrict: y, y, y;
braille->enable braille support: y, n, y;
braille->enable braille monitor: n, n, y;
braille->end-of-line symbol: n, n, y;
braille->abrieviated role names: n, n, y;
braille->enable contracted braille: y, n, y;
braille->contraction table: n, n, y;
braille->verbosity: y, n, y;
braille->selection indicator: y, n, y;
braille->hyperlink indicator: y, n, y;
key echo->enable key echo: y, y, y;
key echo->enable alphanumeric-and-punctuation keys: y, y, y;
key echo->enable modifier keys: n, y, y;
key echo->enable function keys: y, n, y;
key echo->enable action keys: n, n, y;
key echo->enable navigation keys: y, n, y;
key echo->non-spacing diacritical keys: n, n, y;
key echo->enable echo by character: n, n, n;
key echo->enable echo by word: y, n, y;
key echo->enable echo by sentence: y, n, y;
key bindings->orca modifier(s): y, y, y;
key bindings->modified: y, y, y;
key bindings->bookmark where am I w/respect to current position: n, n, y;
key bindings-> go to bookmark: n, n, y;
key bindings->left click on current review item: y, y, y;
key bindings->right click on current review item: y, y, y;
key bindings->routes pointer to current item: n, y, y;
key bindings->add bookmark: y, n, n;
key bindings->save bookmarks: n, n, y;
key bindings->print debug listing of running apps in orca console: n,
n, y;
key bindings->report info on urrent script: n, n, y;
key bindings->prints debugg info on app w/focus: y, n, y;
key bindings->print debug info about ancestry of object w/focus: n, n, y;
key bindings->go to next bookmark: n, n, y;
key bindings->passes next command on to running app: y, y, y;
key bindings->opens the find dialogue: n, y, y;
key bindings->searches for next instance of a string: y, y, y;
key bindings->speaks current, previous, next flat review char, word,
line: y, y, y;
key bindings->spells, phonetically spells, speaks unicode value of
current char, word, line: y, y, y;
key bindings->searches for previous instance of a string: n, y, y;
key bindings->moves flat review to word above current word: y, n, y;
key bindings->speaks current flat review object: n, n, y;
key bindings->moves flat review to word below current word: y, n, y;
key bindings->moves flat review to end of line: y, n, y;
key bindings->moves flat review to end position: n, n, n;
key bindings->displays application preferences dialogue: y, y, y;
key bindings->moves flat review to home position: y, n, y;
key bindings->reads attributes associated with current character: y, y, y;
key bindings->toggles whether to ead table row or cell: y, y, y;
key bindings->enters learn mode: y, y, y;
key bindings->enters list shortcuts mode: y, y, y;
key bindings->paints visible zones in active window: n, n, y;
keybindings->enter/exit flat review: n, n, n;
key bindings->quits orca: y, y, y;
key bindings-<>performs basic where-am-I operation: n, y, y;
key bindings->performs detailed where-am-I operation: n, n, y;
key bindings->toggles the silencing of speech: y, y, y;
key bindings->speaks entire document: y, y, y;
key bindings->speaks the title bar: y, y, y;
key bindings->speaks status bar: y, n, y;
key bindings->speaks preferences dialogue: y, y, y;
key bindings->presents current time/date: y, y, y;
key bindings->cycles debug level at runtime: n, n, y;
key bindings->decreases speech rate: y, n, y;
key bindings->increases speech rate: y, n, y;
key bindings->decreases speech pitch: y, n, y;
key bindings->increases speech pitch: y, n, y;
key bindings->pans braille display left: y, n, y;
key bindings->pans braille display right: y, n, y;
key bindings->toggle mouse review mode: n, n, y;
key bindings->toggles speaking of indentation and justification: y, n, y;
key bindings->cycles punctuation level: y, n, y;
key bindings->cycle key echo level: y, n, y;
key bindings->previous/next/list of notification message(s): y, n, y;
key bindings->braille bindings group: n, n, y;
pronunciation->dictionary: y, n, y;
pronunciation->new entry: y, n, y;
text attributes->attribute name: n, n, y;
text attributes->speak: n, n, y;
text attributes->mark in braille: n, n, y;
text attributes->reset: y, n, y.