Re: [orca-list] Hi everyone, new to Orca and Ubuntu

Hi Harold,

No. Vinux is fine. Its a modified version of Ubuntu with a lot of the accessibility stuff enabled by default. So if you want to learn Linux using that its the most accessible option for a blind user although Ubuntu is pretty accessible once you configure it properly.

As far as Ubuntu 11.10 vs Ubuntu 12.04 from what I've noticed so far Ubuntu 12.04 is by far the better choice. However, I recommend waiting about a week for the final release to come out which will be stable and you won't constantly have to update as bug fixes and last minute changes are applied to 12.04 beta. So if you can hold off a week or so I'd recommend going with Ubuntu 12.04 and Orca 3.4.1 latest to begin learning Linux.

As for changing desktops that's fairly easy to do. When Ubuntu 12.04 boots up LightDM will prompt you for your user name and password. If you activate Orca, you can tab over to the sessions button and arrow to the desktop you want to use. By default there are two items in the list. The first item is simply called Ubuntu, this is Unity 3D, and the second is Ubuntu 2D, which is Unity 2D. Arrow to Ubuntu 2D, press enter and then go back to the password prompt and type your password. Once you login it should automatically load Unity 2D by default now.

Later on if you install additional desktops there will be other options in your sessions Menu as follows. XUbuntu is the Xfce desktop, KUbuntu is the KDE desktop, Gnome Classic is the Gnome desktop, etc. Gnome Classic is very accessible but KDE and Xfce are still works in progress.


On 4/18/2012 5:16 PM, Harold wrote:
Hi guys
Thanks for the info. I am currently running Vinux 3.2 so maybe that is the problem. I had tried Ubuntu 11.10 but removed it until I got some more info about how to use Orca with it. Would you recommend using the beta version 12 instead of 11.10? Are there options for choosing which desktop to use? U are recommending not to use unity 3 right?

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