Re: [orca-list] What the actual status with GNOME Shell 3.2 accessibility support?

On 10/13/2011 08:08 AM, Hammer Attila wrote:

Hi, GNOME-Shell 3.2 support with Orca is limited, but about your
specific concerns.

I tryed GNOME Shell 3.2, but I perhaps I using wrong with new GNOME
Shell with Orca.
If I press for example Alt+F1 key, I only hear "Owerview" text if I
remember right, and not see any menu items, for example I impossible
to access awailable applications.

When you go to the Overview, you don't get initially a list of
applications, as the initial view is Windows. You could do the next:
  * Start to write: a filtered list is started to be created. You can
use up and down arrows to navigate
  * Ctrl+Alt+Tab: in order to move to a different panel, ane select
applications. This open "all applications", and you can navigate as before.

If I try mowing panels to use for example activities part and
navigating panel components with TAB or SHIFT+TAB key, I only hear
"Panel" text with lot of objects.

Panel requires more work:

Specifically related with roles:

I doing anything wrong? Sorry the possible beginner questions, but I
not known GNOME shell usage tips and tricks for a11y related, but very
interesting the new interface.

GNOME Shell ATK (so Orca) support is still in progress.

I looked GNOME Shell 3.2 version with my Ubuntu Oneiric system,
perhaps other distributions this type issues is not happening? Anybody
using GNOME Shell with Orca 3.2?

The user experience with be similar in other distro.

Thanks for testing.


Alejandro Piñeiro Iglesias

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