[orca-list] What the actual status with GNOME Shell 3.2 accessibility support?


I tryed GNOME Shell 3.2, but I perhaps I using wrong with new GNOME Shell with Orca. If I press for example Alt+F1 key, I only hear "Owerview" text if I remember right, and not see any menu items, for example I impossible to access awailable applications. If I try mowing panels to use for example activities part and navigating panel components with TAB or SHIFT+TAB key, I only hear "Panel" text with lot of objects. I doing anything wrong? Sorry the possible beginner questions, but I not known GNOME shell usage tips and tricks for a11y related, but very interesting the new interface. I looked GNOME Shell 3.2 version with my Ubuntu Oneiric system, perhaps other distributions this type issues is not happening? Anybody using GNOME Shell with Orca 3.2?
Usual I using GNOME 3.2 with fallback session, but I need doed some 
customizations, because default the third system menue is not accessible 
with keyboard if I activating main menue with ALT+F1 key combination. I 
deleted the top panel, created a new panel and add basic applets and the 
GNOME main menu applet.
This change resulted me an one column drowdowned menue, and the system 
menue is full accessible, for example I possible change my account 
related awailibility status, possible shutdown, logout or restart the 
system with general Shutdown and Logout menu items related dialogs.
I prewious reported this problem with GNOME fallback session related, 
but perhaps wrong component, because developers not wrote any answer 
this bugreport related:

Have a chance to GNOME developers fix this issue with next 3.4 release in fallback session?

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