[orca-list] Gecko based Yelp problems with I don't no real errors or not


If I remove my .local/share/orca/app-settings/yelp*.py* files, and I want creating a new application preference file, if I click Ok button, preference window is not closing. The interesting think, preference file is stored, but if I try run manual the Python file, I see following traceback error message: hammera hammera-laptop:~/.local/share/orca/app-settings$ python yelp.py >valami.txt
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "yelp.py", line 40, in <module>
orca.scripts.toolkits.Gecko.script_settings.controlCaretNavigation = True
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'scripts'
I sending the stored yelp.py file.

Anybody confirming this issues?
You easy possible to reproduce application-specific preference dialog is not closing if remove Yelp specific app-settings files, simple launch Yelp, press Orca+Ctrl+Space key and click Ok button.

If the traceback error or preference dialog related error is reproduced, I reporting this issue thursday. Owner related settings is right my home folder, and I using latest git master version with my Ubuntu Lucid system.


Attachment: yelp.py
Description: Text Data

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