I think I understand a bit better now... Still need to dig further,
bug I suspect you are correct - that the problem is that the
AccessibleText implementation on JLabel isn't firing text change
events. You can certainly verify that with AccessibilityMonitor.
If memory serves, the AccesibleText implementation was added to
support HTML styled text when that feature was added to Swing some
years ago (if you initialize a JLabel with HTML content, it will be
styled with HTML as rendered by the HTMLEditorKit). But it may
either never be firing events as it should, or it may only fire
events if the HTMLEditorKit is loaded. Do you get AccessibleName
May I invite you to submit a bug report, via the bug web interface?
http://bugreport.sun.com/bugreport/ (use the"Start a new Report"
button at the bottom of the page, after you check the checkbox above
indicating your understanding that this is not a place to receive
support). I believe you would file a bug in product/category "Java
Platform Standard Edition", subcategory "Package javax.swing.*".
P.S. please then send me the bug ID directly, and I'll make sure it
is routed properly.
On 3/14/2011 3:03 AM, Michael Whapples wrote:
OK, I've tried a couple of my suggestions in a previous message
and I am concluding the bug is in java swing or the java access
Here is what I have tried:
* I tried running the scala example on Mac and while voiceover is
slightly better there are still times I can get it to report the
old label text.
* I wrote a pure java version, the bug is still present.
As I mentioned in a previous message, orca is getting no events
according to my debug file.
Now where do I take this? Whose software needs fixing? My gut
feeling is that it may actually be a problem in swing as I have
observed it on Mac as well (question: Might JLabel not be sending
any accessible events for a change of its text?).
Also, I cannot remember, but I have now tried it on openJDK as
well and the bug is still present.
Michael Whapples
On 13/03/11 19:07, Peter Korn wrote:
Hi Michael,
I've not played with scala. It would be interesting to explore
your app with some of the Java Accessibility Utilities -
particularly AccessibilityMonitor that is part of the Java
Accessibility Utilities ('jaccess-examples.jar'). See http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E17802_01/j2se/javase/technologies/accessibility/docs/jaccess-1.3/doc/AccessibilityMonitor.html
for details.
My hunch is that something about how scala works is preventing
accessibility events from propagating within the Java runtime.
If that is the case, then there is little either the older Java
Access Bridge or the new Java ATK wrapper can do. The problem
would have to be fixed within scala and how it invokes Swing and
Good luck with this,
On 3/13/2011 4:14 AM, Michael Whapples wrote:
I have been looking at scala for programming but noticed that
when creating a swing application using it orca does not
always seem to see when a label (possibly other parts of a
GUI) are updated. I have attached a demo application which
shows the problem (compile with scalac and run scala with the
class SwingBug).
Here is how to reproduce the bug:
* Run the scala application.
* Press the button labelled "Click me".
* use flat review to see the label below the button.
* Press the "Click me" button again and again use flat review
to look at the label.
Until flat review is used for the first time orca will see the
updating of the label. After flat review has been used once
the update of the label will not be seen by orca. I have tried
alt+tabbing to another application and back but this doesn't
help. The only thing which seems to let orca see the updates
after using flat review is to restart orca.
I have tried this using the old java access bridge (1.26.x)
and the new java ATK wrapper but both show this issue.
As the label seems to actually being updated (as seen by the
output to the text console and also after an orca restart) and
it shows with both java access bridge and java ATK wrapper I
am being lead to it being an orca bug. Can anyone shed any
more light on whether my thinking of where the bug is, whether
it is correct or not?
I nearly forgot to say, I am using the sun JDK rather than
openJDK. I know sometimes this can make a slight difference
(eg. there is a bug where eclipse doesn't shutdown properly
when assistive technology is running in gnome but the IBM JDK
doesn't show this bug).
Any help would be welcome in sorting this out.
Michael Whapples
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Peter Korn | Accessibility Principal
Phone: +1 650 5069522
500 Oracle Parkway | Redwood City, CA 94065
 Oracle is committed to developing practices
and products that help protect the environment
Peter Korn | Accessibility Principal
Phone: +1 650 5069522
500 Oracle Parkway | Redwood City, CA 94065
Oracle is committed to developing practices and
products that help protect the environment