Re: [orca-list] Update: Re: Orca Speech Cutting Out Badly

RiverWind <riverwind shellworld net> wrote:

I am writing to provide a bit of an update, an observation and a

My Orca speech problem has evolved to the point where I now lose
speech when ever I am typing. 

If you aren't using Speech-Dispatcher, I'd suggest installing version 0.7.1
(currently in testing/unstable for Debian) and trying it.

I would also recommend checking the kernel logs for reports of segmentation
faults that may indicate the cause of your problem.

You could also follow the instructions on the Orca wiki to turn on debugging
and create a log file.

You should also run Emacspeak, Speakup, Yasr or a similar tool that doesn't
require a graphical environment, so you can access your Linux system when Orca
is unreliable, even if you predominantly use Orca.

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