Re: [orca-list] A last call out for help with Orca


On Di, Jul 19 2011, Christian wrote:

I did, just to be on the safe side, removed all things and reinstalled
the entire thing and I also updated the Orca to be the latest Orca git
v3.14 pre. Everything is working, at least, it seems to do but Firefox
v5.01 is not accessible as before and Thunderbird either.  Orca just
says Mozilla Firefox startpage not accessible or whatever I go to.

I've had a similar issue with Firefox in Gentoo. They actually compile
Firefox without Gconf support to reduce
dependencies. <>

After removing --disable-gconf from the Ebuild and recompiling the beast,
it got accessible again. Seems like a11y support in Xulrunner only is
loaded if the /desktop/gnome/interface/accessibility Gconf key is set to
true. Probably Arch disabled Gconf support for Firefox as well. At least
for Gentoo I'll add a comment to the above mentioned bug.

This is with the firefox that comes with arch linux, soon thinking
about downloading Firefox from Mozillas oficial page just to see if
that would make any difference.

The official Mozilla binaries will most probably work as they are
compiled with Gconf support.

take care


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