Re: [orca-list] ibm voices

Justin Harford <blindstein gmail com> wrote:
Wel I have been on the search for portuguese and spanish speaking voices for
ubuntu, which lead me to the voxin voices. I bought a portuguese voice for
some 5 dollars, ran the installer, and it totally appears to have destroyed
my installation of vinux. My computer now gets hung up at the start-up
process. I can get to the console, but there is no speech, and it won't let
me log in to any of the accounts. 

You should be able to boot into single user mode and recover a working system.

If the software you installed came as a package (deb or rpm) it should be easy
to remove with the appropriate packaging command. If it was a tar file with an
installation script then you'll have to look at the script and try to work out
what was touched.

It's also worth remembering that any software which is not free and
open-source can't be fixed or improved by the community, and that your only
recourse is to hope that the vendor will fix it.

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