[orca-list] Firefox and Flat Review (was Re: my thoughts/decisions about orca)

Hey Steve, all.

On Sun, 2011-12-04 at 01:38 -0800, Steve Holmes wrote:
I've generally had good luck using Firefox with Orca and manyh web
sites.  However, Deedra is right; this flat review thing has really
gotta be fixed!

Well, as I just commented on the bug, I was able to use flat review with
Orca from master, AT-SPI2 from master, Firefox 8.0, and Fedora 16 to
flat review the Orca wiki. So.... Is the difference that we are talking
about only certain sites being a problem? If so, that's a Firefox/Gecko
bug if memory serves me. Or was/is something broken for you that is not
for me?

Bonus points for those who will take the time to provide concrete
details, full debug.outs, etc. on the bug.

Thanks and take care.

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