Re: [orca-list] Connecting to a wireless network

On 09/08/11 17:42, Luke Yelavich wrote:
On Tue, Aug 09, 2011 at 06:07:33PM EST, Christopher Chaltain wrote:
Where do I have to be for Windows+m to take me to this messaging menu?
When I press Windows+m at the desktop, I just hear "text m". I'm running
vinux 3.2.1 (Ubuntu 11.04) with the Gnome Classic desktop, which is what
I think the original poster is running.

Is this Windows+m a Unity key stroke by any chance?

No its not a unity keystroke. The reason why it doesn't work for you is because Vinux doesn't use the 
indicators on the panel. You need to add the indicator applets to your panel for this keystroke to work.


Ah, thanks Luke! I found
which gives a good description of these indicators. I also saw several
pages with links to useful indicators. Do I just need to install the
indicator for the application I'm interested in (Tomboy, Ubuntu One,
Glipper, ...) and they'll show up and I'll be able to access them with
Windows+s and/or Windows+m? Any idea why Vinux doesn't include any of
these? I'll also send this message over to the Vinux support list.

Christopher (CJ)
chaltain gmail com

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