Re: [orca-list] is orca more accessible on linux, or open solaris?

I think the short answer is a no. However there may be reasons relating to accessibility why you may choose one over the other.

Longer answer:
Orca works with the GNOME desktop and any other system which uses GTk and/or at-spi. As these desktops are available on any distribution and in the main the applications you will use are the same, the experience from the accessibility angle should be the same. Why it may differ is that some distributions may do more to assist you in getting accessibility working, they may not prescribe a particular way so much (IE. give you more freedom to customize it as you want) and some of the distribution specific tools may varying in accessibility (eg. the GUI for a package manager).

Something you may also want to consider if thinking about other unix systems and if you use the text console with speakup, is that only linux works with speakup. For other unix systems like solaris, you will need to look to screen readers like YASR.

Michael Whapples
On -10/01/37 20:59, Justin Mann wrote:
Hi all,
Does Orca work better from one distro of linux/unix better than another?  In otherwords should accessibility 
be improved in opensolaris over say Ubuntu, and/or Fedora?

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