[orca-list] Alternatives to Mozilla based software

I have to be honest over time I have drawn the conclusion that Mozilla products just seem to always be full of accessibility bugs (at least on Linux) and each new release just comes with its own new bag of bugs. I am now at a point where I doubt, despite however much work is done, Mozilla things will just not work really well.

So I am now wanting to move away from Mozilla based software, which for me means finding another email client (evolution is one option and I remember earlier this year there was a discussion on other mail clients which I will look through) and also another browser. As far as I know, webkit based browsers may have some promise at some point. How is the webkit support coming along for orca? Beyond that, I can only think of the text based browsers, which I admit I do sometimes use, but just will not do all websites.

So my question is, other than what I have said, has anyone got any suggestions for other email clients and web browsers?

Michael Whapples

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