Re: [orca-list] problems upgrading to 3.0 under arch linux

Hey all.

I understand some of the issues with gnome 3.0 in the accessibility area 
are being dealt with and actually may be fixed in git versions of the 
For what it's worth, on the Orca side of things, we're making decent
progress. Though as you point out, there is still much work that needs
to be done to be "production environment" ready. As of yesterday,
however, the issue of "Orca sometimes presents applications in gnome 3
and other times ignores those apps" is fixed.

Important, important, important: For now, you will want the gnome-3-0
branch of Orca from git if you are using Orca in a gnome 3.0
environment. Master intentionally lacks a couple of changes needed for
GNOME 3 which break stuff for everyone else. As I've mentioned before,
it is the plan to get master and GNOME 3 back into harmony so that you
can use master or the gnome-3-0 branch. But we're not quite there yet.

Onward and upward! <smiles>

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