Re: [orca-list] adobe reader on Ubuntu 64 bit

Jacob Schmude <j schmude gmail com> wrote:
Quite honestly, what I do
is open the pdf in evince (GNOME's default pdf viewer) then select
all with ctrl-a, copy with ctrl-c, then paste into whatever text
editor I choose. It's a bit crude, but it works well enough for me
though at the cost of some structural navigation ability. 

I handle PDF files as follows, from the shell:

First, I try
pdftotext -layout example.pdf
and if the resulting example.txt file isn't in a reasonable reading order, I
pdftotext -raw example.pdf

Another useful tool is
pdftohtml example.pdf
and finally
pdfinfo example.pdf
to find out how many pages are in it, what software created it, etc.

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