Re: [orca-list] how to copy text from the terminal

Steve Holmes writes:

Suffice it to say, I hope I can help get Orca's flat review facility
to be able to select text and maybe a deal to append selection to the
clipboard.  I think where appropriate, pasting from the clipboard
works fine and even in the terminal, that works.  In fact, if one can
get some text selected by hook or crook, it can be copied to the
clipboard even in the terminal.  So really, it comes down to text
selection while in flat review.

Yes. But the selection process is quite problematic for me in the GUI.
So, especially when I'm in a hurry, I will do something like open Gedit,
bulk copy what I want plus whatever else is there with a Ctrl-A, then
edit out what I don't want.

PS: I still use vim for editing--much faster, imho.

I also use xclip a lot, especially taking URIs from Firefox over to a

Copying into the gui is not something I've found easy to do. Might be
just me, but I'm still in work around mode on that--e.g., when I have a
URI I want to paste into Firefox, I'm likely to create a quick and dirty
web page on my Apache server using the clipboard built into Speakup, and then point FF at that 


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