Re: [orca-list] Draft Proposed Two-Year Roadmap

Jason White <jason jasonjgw net> writes:

1. Pypy, which, when complete, should out-perform the current Python
interpreter significantly.

Personally, I wouldn't be so quick to blame Python for bottlenecks and
the like.  NVDA is written in Python, and in my (albeit limited)
experience, it performs very well.

Another language which looks interesting is Go, from Google:
Its creators were formerly employed by Bell Labs.  My memory is failing
me tonight, and I can't find their names on the page.  Anyhow, they're
famous.  Ken Thompson and Rob Pike, perhaps.
Go is a high-level systems programming language.  It has all the
nicities, like automatic memory management, and it compiles to native code.

My concern regarding C and C++ is the risk of segmentation faults due to
pointer and memory management bugs, which seem to creep into C/C++ software
despite everybody's best efforts, especially with multi-threaded systems.

Seconded!  It's just too easy to write C / C++ code containing nasty
bugs.  I've seen too many of them.

-- Chris

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