Re: [orca-list] suggestion for orca

Am 05.09.2010 00:36, schrieb Joanmarie Diggs:
Hi Marcus.

I have written a script for orca that implements such a list. It's a
treeview with entries for form fields, links and headings.

Awesome! FWIW, I always thought we should have that, but the previous UI
guy suggested it does not belong in Orca. Anyhoo....

I'm knowing some blinds. And they are all missing such lists. This lists
making navigation on HTML much easier.

We have an open bug for this feature:

If you could attach your patch there, that would be great.

Okay, I will do this tomorrow. Because I have to create the patch first.
Currently the script is written with/for Orca 2.30.2 on Ubuntu 10.04.

Also, just out of curiosity, what is the performance like on a page with
a bunch of elements? For instance, if you are viewing, how long does it take to generate the list?

On my system it needs ~ 2 - 5 seconds. ~2 seconds (don't know why the times differs): ~2-5 seconds

Yahoo! has really many links and form fields.

I'm not very familiar with this at-spi stuff. 90 % of the script was
written with experiments in Accerciser and some examples from Orca. So
it's possible that there is place for speed improvements.


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