[orca-list] upgrading lucid to maverick

i have just tried upgrading from lucid to maverick on my desktop.
i am not sure if ubuntu upgraded successfully because it started in english, i got some message warning me about not being unable to open the mirror file, a warning i am not sure if i should have got. i started getting the first part of the file extractions and setup in english but then orca either switched languages or came up with a completely new language all of its own because the speech was garbled.
my hard drive on my desktop has now stopped spinning.
would you say it is now ready for me to power down and reboot?
the last time i got this kind of problem trying to upgrade from one version of ubuntu to another i had to just press and hold the power button to switch it off and restart from fresh. i don't know if this language switching to another language or garbled speech should be happening or not. i assume it shouldn't be but i am not sure what message i should be getting for a successful upgrade.
i did the sudo do-release-upgrade as instructed.

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