Re: [orca-list] upgrading lucid to maverick

On 10/10/2010 08:03 PM, michael weaver wrote:
i have just tried upgrading from lucid to maverick on my desktop.
i am not sure if ubuntu upgraded successfully because it started in english, i got some message warning me about not being unable to open the mirror file, a warning i am not sure if i should have got.
i started getting the first part of the file extractions and setup in english but then orca either switched languages or came up with a completely new language all of its own because the speech was garbled.
my hard drive on my desktop has now stopped spinning.
would you say it is now ready for me to power down and reboot?
the last time i got this kind of problem trying to upgrade from one version of ubuntu to another i had to just press and hold the power button to switch it off and restart from fresh.
i don't know if this language switching to another language or garbled speech should be happening or not.
i assume it shouldn't be but i am not sure what message i should be getting for a successful upgrade.
i did the sudo do-release-upgrade as instructed.
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Hello, Michael.

I upgraded my system on October 8 to the then Release Candidate as I knew I'd probably not get it done today. As far as holding down the power button on the system to do a hard shut down, I know that that is something which is advised against (I used to do it, too) as it can do damage to a system if something is being written to the disk. Unfortunately I upgraded my system via the update-manager-gtk front-end, so I am unsure as to what happens at the end of the do-release-upgrade command. I also do not have an answer as to why Orca returned garbled speech (as I am still a novice with Orca), but I wanted to offer this piece of advice I learned about how to "gently" reboot a Ubuntu system. I have done this due to system freezes in the past, and it seems to work wonderfully. If all else fails, and you want to reboot, this should work for you (I do not know your visual acuity nor computing experience, so please forgive me if I am speaking in terms which are too basic.), :

1. Hold down the Alt and SysRq (Print Screen) keys. The Print Screen key is the next key following the F12 function key on typical QWERTY keyboards.

2. While holding those down, type the following in order. Nothing will
appear to happen until the last letter is pressed: REISUB

This sequence of keystrokes will kill all programs, unmount your drives and

As previously mentioned, I have used this process for the past couple of months whenever my system would freeze, and it has worked wonders for me.

I apologise, however, that I am unable to answer your question about Orca.

I hope that this helps in some minuscule way.

Take care.

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