Re: [orca-list] new info on firefox keyboard shortcuts problem

I also use emacspeak but they are in entirely different worlds on my
system.  I use Orca with default desktop layout except I set the
modifier key to be the numpad insert key.  I know basically nothing
about Xmodmap at this point.

When I run Emacspeak, that is totally under a text console environment
so I have nothing in common between Orca and emacspeak except for
espeak itself.

I will have to probably explore the implications of choosing one
layout over another but I thought that would only affect key
assignments at the time Orca is configured.  I wouldn't think it would
force defaults back on you.  The desktop layout has never done that to

As for the customization file, I'm pretty sure Orca
pulls in the orca-customizations file.  I just checked and it does
just that.  I still have an old lying around
here where I commented most things out now but there are some imports
at the top; I will paste them in at the end of my comments.

When looking around your settings and customizations files, look for a
line something like this.
orca.settings.orcaModifierKeys = ['KP_Insert']
but change the 'KP_Insert' to whatever the string should be for your
insert key.  Then be sure that any other files both
for Orca and for any other applications not contain this string at all
and you shouldn't have any reverting to a default key.  I might be
suspicious of the Xmodmap business but I don't know how that works so
can't say anything more on that part.

----- Begin imports from -----
import orca.input_event
import orca.keybindings
import orca.orca
import orca.speech
import re
import time
----- End imports from -----
I used to do some custom key bindings in here so you may not need some
of these other modules imported.  But now that we have the
customizable orca modifier key in Orca itself, this other part
shouldn't be necessary anymore.

On Thu, Nov 04, 2010 at 05:08:08PM -0500, Robert D. Crawford wrote:
For whatever reason, gnus is having a problem with allowing me to
follow-up to your message.  I apologize for the lack of thread

Steve Holmes <steve holmes88 gmail com> writes:

If it were me, I would remove that customizations file completely and
go into Orca and use Orca+Space to go into Orca's global preferences
and make sure the modifier key combo box is indeed set to the one you

This was the way I initially had things.  With things this way I was
having the revert problem.  I thought possibly using the customizations
files would solve this.  If, upon restart or reloading customizations,
the user file is read last it _should_ work.  

I assume you are wanting the keypad insert key perhaps.  

Actually, no.  I want the insert key as I have no keypad.  I did select
the laptop layout because I am using a laptop.  I chose insert over caps
lock because caps lock is set to hyper for emacspeak.  I have the win
logo key as well as the insert key set as insert via .Xmodmap.

I still wonder whether I need to import anything at the top of the
customizations files.

Then apply the changes and see if that sticks.  I personally have
never experienced the orca modifier key reverting back to any other
value.  But then again, I have always been using a desktop layout.
Did you specify a laptop layout or desktop layout when initially
setting up Orca? I wonder if that had some baring on it.

As do I.  I do realize I am probably using orca in a way it might not
have been used before.  Most users are probably using orca, only orca,
and using the default modifier keys.

Thanks again,

Robert D. Crawford                                     robdcraw gmail com

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