[orca-list] Quick change of the active language

Hi all,

Sometimes, it's necessary to change the active language to read a short text and, few moments after, return to the previous language. For a long while, I have been using JAWS and NVDA. With JAWS, I can change the active language with one keystroke and with NVDA, I am able to do it with two keystrokes.

It's not really difficult to change the language using orca. I can active Orca options with Orca+space or Orca+shift+space and, in one of the tabs, there's a way to do it. But there are two disadvantages:

1. Several keys are pressed until reaching the change.

2. Probably due a problem with AT-SPI, the access to Orca options is slow, even though the performance of the used machine is very good.

My question is: Does someone have a tip to change the active language rapidly?

If there is no way yet, I think it's a very good suggestion!



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