Re: [orca-list] speech-dispatcher, where else does it get its settings?

There should at most only be two copies of speechd.conf. The version that is used for Orca is usually ~/.speech-dispatcher/conf/speechd.conf. The version used for Speakup is most likely in /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf. Try copying your system version into your home folder. This should unify your settings for both.

You can also try running


from a terminal. Set it up to configure the user settings. This is the default. When it asks for the default synthesizer, type ibmtts as your response. This should solve your problem, although I'm not familiar with IBMTTS itself enough to make further recommendations.

If all else fails, set IBMTTS as your speech synthesizer in your Orca preferences. If IBMTTS is listed there you will have no further problems. If not, I'm at a loss. I personally don't use IBMTTS, but my suggestions are generic enough that at least one of them should work for you. But as always, your mileage may vary.

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