Re: [orca-list] Task for budding Orca script writer: Update/refresh the ubiquity installer orca script.

Hey Luke.

Since scripts for apps have had a refactor recently,

Yeah, sorry about that. The new world order is better though. Really.
And it's not all *that* different. :-) But I totally understand about
the time crunch.

Anyhoo, about the following proposal:

Finally, I think it would be great to get this into orca proper, so I
don't have as much work carrying it from Ubuntu release to release.

My one question is: If it gets included into Orca proper, can we count
on you -- or someone from Canonical continuing to maintain it, either as
the primary maintainers or as fall-back maintainers?

While Ubuntu is awesome, it's not my personal distro. If I were to
include it in Orca proper, users will then have an expectation that the
script will be maintained upstream for the foreseeable future. And
they'd be reasonable in having that expectation, but I'm afraid I don't
have any more time than you do. If I don't have a guarantee of long-term
maintainers I can count on to maintain this script, my leaning would be
to have it remain downstream -- but be better about announcing and
documenting changes we make within Orca that might impact downstream


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