Re: [orca-list] sometimes orca does not speak indentation and justification correctly

Hy Jose,

Ok, now understand, I not wayt the application switch message. :-):-)
Now I tryed again, with following steps, of course the Orca gui/speech page the speaks indentation and justification check box is checked:
1. I open gedit, and wroted following lines:
2. Press Ctrl+home, and read the lines with arrow keys. Orca correct spokened the indentation text. 3. I switch an another application and wayt Orca spokening the application informations, for example Orca screen reader. Preferences button. 4. I switch back with Gedit, and listen what happening with your hint. When Orca spokening the "Unnamed document - gedit frame. Text. line" message, I not hear the indentation. So, if this is the problem, you wroted absolute right and I confirm this problem. If I press arrow keys after this problem the application switch, Orca right spokening the indentations with this two line.

I see an another issue with speaks indentation and justification feature, but I don't no this issue is bug or not: For example, when I write in Thunderbird message body the indented text, Orca not spokening the indentation. I don't no this is a bug, or now not working this feature in Thunderbird message body, I newer tryed this setting in Thunderbird.

So, I confirm your problem. You do a report this issue?


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