Re: [orca-list] orca and magnifier

Hi Joanmarie :-)

Hummmm... I don't remember if I introduced myself before but I'm
Juanje and I working with Alejandro.
Hi everyone :-)

2010/5/18 Joanmarie Diggs <joanmarie diggs gmail com>:
Hi Alejandro.

I think it would be interesting to have a shortcut for magnifier
(orca, compiz, whatever) centralized in the Orca preferences.

Is that not related to this work?

We were working on a way to save on separated file the Orca's
keybindings settings so we can provide profiles for them, but we were
looking into the Orca preferences (actually on
'src/orca/' and 'src/orca/'), but now I don't know
if this is a waste of time and it's better to make any changes we need
on the "NewPreferencesGUI" at the new gnome-control-center.

Any ideas?

Anyways, I do believe it is better to have the Orca's settings on
gconf/gsettings. Or, at least in ~/.config/orca as the rest of the
apps are moving to. But I guess this is another topic to discuss.

The problem is that actually I don't know if there will be enough time
from here to the next release to have the migration done. I hope so
and we'll try to help with that.



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