[orca-list] XFCE or lxde archlinux and orca.

Hello, running archlinux on an asus 1000he netbook, I want to run xfce
or lxde wich ever one I can get working so I can cut down on the wasting
of batterylife sucked by gnome.
i've followed these instructions
I put these two lines in to my .xinitrc
                export GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge
exec ck-launch-session startxfce4
I also made the simlinks in my homes .config/autostart fororca and
at-spi respectivly
I even put export GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge
line in my .bashrc and .profile.
What is actually happening is when I start x using the startx command,
the server starts orca comes up talking with speech-dispatcher and then
I have no speech except when I hit alt f2 then I have an accessible run
area that I can type firefox in to and get a firefox window. this
firefox window is accessible, on the other hand, the orca main window isn't.
looking at my xserver output in my screen I noticed that at-spi registry
cannot be found. what am I doing wrong here?
i've tried this with lxde changing the values to reflect this in
.xinitrc and lxde won't even start.
I hope someone can help me.
Farhan Khan

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