Re: [orca-list] Question for you Arch users with Orca

Hi Michael,
I tried doing a mouse click on the screen but it didn't help. Also when navigating the desktop it takes about 
5 seconds before Orca reads the curently focused item.
I am soon giving up on Arch since I didn't have this problem the first time I installed this and I don't 
think I have forgotten anything and this is not good.
Many thanks,

On 2010-05-07 at 01:56 Michael Whapples wrote:

This sounds very strange, particularly as orca reads its main window but
not the tabs in the preferences. Just to clarify, you mean that the tab
control is not spoken in orca's preferences but other controls are, or
do you mean no controls are spoken?

As for the top panel, there is an issue, not sure if its related.
Basically, when you press ctrl+alt+escape, if you enter the menu from
there then focus gets trapped there (a mouse click anywhere on the
screen seems to help).

Michael Whapples
On 01/-10/-28163 08:59 PM, Christian wrote:
I had to do a reinstall of Arch due to some partitioning change and here
comes the problem regarding Orca.
I installed my video driver, input driver xorg gnome and gnome-extra as
well as gamin.
Then I copied the keymap file and ocnfigured it and then I started hal:
/etc/rc.d/hal start
I then launched gdm and logged in.
Orca's setup screen was as fast as it should and I logged out and back
in and orca started up and when tabbing around in the Orcas main window
Orca is as responsive as it should but not when opening up the top pannel
and when launching the Orca preferences orca doesn't report the different
tab pages.
This didn't happen the first time I installed Arch and configured Gnome
and I think i haven't forgot anything.
Any ideas?
Many thanks,

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