[orca-list] upgrading from hardy

i tried making admin apps more accessible by creating the suggested file. i don't know if editing the sudoers file or whatever is also needed but when i try to run sudo update-manager from the terminal to upgrade from one version of ubuntu i get an error message. i remembered the script command but had forgotten what keystrokes to end it were or the command to end it but i found the solution and the script is hopefully attached although my braillenote mpower doesn't actually recognise it.
hope that it still sends successfully.
if not i will have to configure evolution on my pcs from the backup i created when i used ubuntu a while ago. i am not sure if the error message is because i have not edited the sudoers file or because of trying to upgrade without creating the admin accessibility file and ended my upgrade before it had finished which might require me to do a fresh install and re-create my file to get better accessibility in admin apps.

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