Re: [orca-list] Help Interpreting Accerciser Output

On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 07:34:26PM -0400, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
I think you'll find it helpful to try and narrow down the candidate
events you are monitoring. In the case of the insert/overwrite toggle,
think about what is happening when you toggle it: The text in the status
bar changes, right?

Therefore, were I doing this, the *only* events I would be monitoring
initially in Accerciser would be object:text-changed events. If, having
monitored those, I didn't get the expected events, then I would broaden
things to include object:state-changed events (perhaps a label goes from
showing to not showing).

I only go the route you did when none of the likely/expected events are
being emitted and I want to know what, if anything, I'm getting.

I didn't think you could narow it down that much.  I have it now where
I just checked only opjects but didn't think I could type in the name
of which one to watch.  My other confusion is OK, if I see what events
are showing what, how do I "code for them"? What I mean is for
example, the accessible-name item in the original listing I showed in
a prev. message had parameters in parentheses.  I guess this is so new
to me, I don't quite get how it all fits in yet.  From my original
view of this test, the accessible-change and visible-data-changed
events seemed most promising to me.


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