[orca-list] audio walkthroughs

I would like to see the latest version of knoppix-adriane demonstrated. I think knoppix-adriane is good for home users because it lets you do OCR and it uses LXDE desktop.
Josh Kennedy jkenn337 gmail com
my blog is at http://jkenn337.klangoblog.net (updated frequently). Tired of Microsoft Windows and paying thousands for screen-readers? try out NVDA, get a mac--, nvda--for Windows, or try out and switch to grml, Ubuntu, Vinux, or knoppix-adriane Linux desktops. Knoppix ubuntu and vinux-cli-max are the most accessible for beginners. also try vinux-gui and encourage those at www.cherrypal.com to use windows-xp and nvda knoppix-adriane Vinux-cli-max or grml so all blind people can have an accessible computer.

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