Re: [orca-list] accessiblity in chrome

Piñeiro <apinheiro igalia com> wrote:
Good new: At this moment some people are implementing the
accessibility support on WebKit in ATK terms for that, as GNOME has
decided to start to use it. In brief, the ATK support works as as
wrapper/proxy of the in-WebKit a11y support.

Bad new: At this moment, ATK support is only available if you are
using the GTK+ port. So saying that WebKit supports ATK is not 100%
true, it is WebKitGtk+ the one which supports it.

However, the chromium-browser package (at least under Debian) has GTK+ as a
dependency, so there's a strong possibility that they are using the GTK+ port
of WebKit.

Google are going to need some sort of accessibility support for Chromium under
Linux, since their Chrome OS is effectively a (rather minimal but workable)
Linux distribution.

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