Re: [orca-list] Plans for Speech Dispatcher

Qui, 2010-07-01 Ãs 09:13 +0700, Michael Pozhidaev escreveu:

I agree it would be good to have a common DBUS API, both between
the different providers (Speech Dispatcher, OpenTTS and KTTSD)

What do you think about asking to consider D-Bus
specification for any speech service provider? The basic functionality
is quite obvious, the question is only to define exact names and
save extensibility. It seems to me it is important to do it now before
it's too late.

+1. ok, +100000.

and inside the providers themselves (between client and server, between
server and modules, hopefully once also between modules and TTS

All internal communications can easily be a private concern of each
provider. It's not so important.


Steps have partly already been taken towards this API under the name
of TTS API: . Developers from
various sides have participated, both Gnome and KDE, and Brailcom
has put in our knowledge and experiences and known limitations
from the current SSIP protocol.

Yes, of course, it's very useful knowledge. However it's just
spd-specific material whereas problem is wider. We have speech synthesis
markup languages, ssml and jsml and they must be considered too
(compatibility with these approaches). 

The subject now is general
abstract D-Bus interface for all providers, since we have several of
them. Again, it seems to me this question must be forwarded to
freedesktop. We see the conclusions of freedesktop are accepted by many
projects. Speech service provider interface is just one more question to
get solution suitable for all interested developers.

Agreed. Noone ditacting what is the interface, everyone contributing to


Rui Batista

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