Re: [orca-list] pleasment, please add two new quick navigation keys to The orca

An enhancement request has been filed and I'd definitely be willing to review/accept a patch:


On Jan 28, 2010, at 8:42 AM, Michael Whapples wrote:

I don't have an answer. I did check the orca settings for firefox to check whether such a key was known by orca but not enabled but didn't find one in the list. I don't know whether it is even possible to do what is being suggested.

I would suggest the best way of getting this noticed is to create a feature request in the gnome bugzilla.

Michael Whapples
On 01/28/2010 12:58 PM, Mgr. Janusz Chmiel wrote:
Dear core developers of Orca,

Several months ago, i pleased very nice programmer and kind human being, MR Walker, if Mozilla Firefox support could be extended by The two quick navigation keys. One for moving The virtual cursor to The separator in The forward direction and second for moving to The separator in The backward direction. Unfortunately nobody created those scripts. so i would like to know, if The separator object can not be detected thank's to The fact, that programmers of Orca can not detect The separator? I do not think, that adding those scripts would be so complex, if You do not like The GUI part of Orca code for adding new quick navigation scripts, You can build predefined key to The source code. I Am aware, that Python is not The Microsoft Visual Basic professional and that modifiing The GUI part of every Python application is not so simple as in Visual basic. So what about to incorporate those scripts for jumping to The separator by using s little s letter and The S big s letter? Orca can be used for many hours without need to quit and run Orca again even on The WEB pages which are dynamically changing. And even with WEB pages, which are using more than three live regions and those live regions are frequently changing. I have never occurred The crash of Mozilla Firefox or other components of Linux thank's to The algorithms, which are used by Orca screen reader. I even think, that Orca is giving visually impaired computer user The best tool for work with WEB and with Openoffice ORG at The proffesional level. I do not know about other screen reader, which would work so reliably and stable like Orca 2.28.1 can work for now.

I tested Orca for really many hours of fluent work and i can not tell wrong words to this assistive technology. I think, that this screen reader would be The good example of project, which is really enabling many visually impaired computer users to use The freely awailable operating systems with support of robust and highly professional assistive technology. I would like to thank all core developers, which are now working not only on Orca development, but i would also like to thank very much all developers, which are developing The dependencyes, on which Orca depends. I would like to thank The core developers of at-spi, because those modules are developed very professionally. So please, be very aware while coming to The new programmers approach to The interprocess communication by using DBUS. Please be very careful to not cause The fact, that Orca will cause random crashes. Be also very careful while developing new versions of at-spi and Corba modules.

Existing approach is now reliable and while using desktop environment, which is programmed only by using C programming language and if Pulseaudio is not being used, Orca is now providing very fast responsiveness. So please, try to do Yours best to enable visually impaired users to use stable assistive technology also in future. You are making very valuable screen reader and working with Orca is making me very big joy every day.

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