Re: [orca-list] Developing Game with Text to Speech

Hi Dmitrijs:

Orca has some latent code in it to expose an HTTP service for doing simple speaking of text sent to it via 
and HTTP request.  I'm not sure, however, that it is something I would recommend.

Instead, we're looking to migrate away from gnome-speech towards SpeechDispatcher.  SpeechDispatcher ends up 
providing speech synthesis as a system service for various apps to use, including Orca.  So, once we get to 
SpeechDispatcher, you could use it in your application.


On Jan 23, 2010, at 9:23 AM, Dmitrijs Ledkovs wrote:

On 23 January 2010 13:07, Halim Sahin <halim sahin t-online de> wrote:
have you tested your application with orca?
The goal should be to make your app working with orca without aditional
speech output.
If your app tries to speak through speechd it has to use an other
priority because orca would interupt the speech.
You can test the accessibility of your app with accerciser or with orca.

In my opinion selfvoicing apps are not ideal on the desktop.

I will test it with accerciser, thank you for the pointer. The point
about this game is that instead of recording voice in and shipping
loads of ogg files and playing them with Gstreamer, I'd rather
synthesise voice in player's native language. And I do agree
selfvoicing apps are not ideal but in the context of a game it would
be more accesible to tell the player what has happened in stead of
showing loads of text messages.

In short is there an API to access Orca's TTS component not for the
user controlled screen-reading but for general voice synthesis? which
can be used when user is not running app with assistive technologies

With best regards

Dmitrijs Ledkovs (for short Dima),

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