Re: [orca-list] no longer able to install orca

Hi John,
I take it you're running a "mixed" system with both keyworded and stable packages? For what it's worth, I think Gnome 2.28 in Gentoo is still in the testing stage. I personally haven't been brave enough to go beyond 2.26 myself. I'm afraid I don't know enough about Atspi to know if that's your problem. I suspect not, though. I'mmI'm not sure why that particular python script should hang: it seems to be rather foolproof.
Have you tried reemerging pygtk?
I really don't know what else I could possibly suggest, other than to be careful with upgrades in general. Never had this before.

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On Tue, 19 Jan 2010, covici ccs covici com wrote:

Hi.  I am running a gentoo system, and I did an upgrade of the system
and orca will no longer install its 2.28.3 version, or any other version
and it no longer works at all.  It is hanging when it says
checking for python module pyatspi.

I looked at the configure script and it seems that the following python
script just hangs:

import sys
        import pygtk
        import pyatspi
except ImportError:

If I run this program python just sits there forever.

Re emerging atspi has no effect.

Any ideas on this would be appreciated.

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