[orca-list] New About dialog

Hash: RIPEMD160

Hey, Just wanted to give my initial impressions of the new About
dialog for Orca.  I like it.  It all speaks when tabbing around.  I do
have some questions concerning label text such as what is used in the
dialog.  It appears that a couple of those labels are multiline but if
you want to cursor around in there and read word by word or line by
line, that you can only move left and right through the words but if I
press up or down arrow, it bumps me to the previous or next label
control.  Flat review works OK in the control  Is the way it is
designed? Can't one use the arrow keys to move vertically in label
controls?  In MS windows, the closest thing for multi line reading of
static text would be a read-only edit control or possibly rich-edit
control for larger things.  I usually would see a read-only edit box
for all the "About" text and follow that with the buttons.

Make sense?
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