[orca-list] Anybody see Orca spokened the subject field with six second later after jumping the Tab key from address field to subject field?


I see an interesting, but not absolute sure reproducable issue when I wrote my prewious letter. If I jump back the address field with Shift+Tab key and jump back the subject field with Tab key, Orca spokened the subject field with six second later. I using Ubuntu Lucid, Thunderbird 3.0.10 version and Orca git master version. I am little lucky, because before I sent my prewious google website related letter, I maked a debug.out file with perhaps show why happened this mistifical issue. When I try testing this issue this prewious composing letter, I always reproduce this problem, but when I try testing this problem an another composing message window, this issue is not happened. Perhaps this problem is depending the message body window size or length the subject field or message length? My prewious letter is little length, and the subject field is little length I think.
If I remember right, before yesterday commits I not see this issue.
I opened a bugreport with this problem related, and attached the debug.out file:


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