Re: [orca-list] Thunderbird Address Book and Exporting

Actually, I think I figured out my problem. I'm not sure if it is supposed to work this way or not but what I discovered was to hit the Browse directories button so that it is in the Pressed state and then as I tab around, I could then find the combo box for file types. It also appears now that once pressed, it remains in that state even over different invocations of the program until it is pressed again to be Unpressed.
So bottom line, if I keep the Browse button toggled as Pressed, then I 
can find the file types dialog.  Is this by design? if so, I will 
probably go over and close the bug I have opened.  Perhaps I should ask 
on the bug itself.
Thanks again to the several of you that looked at it for me.

On 12/27/2010 12:16 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hey Steve.

Like JosÃ, I can access the combo box by pressing Shift+Tab. I'm using
3.1.7 from a couple of days ago.

  I'm beginning to wonder if the file types
option even shows up visually on my export dialog.<sigh>
If no one is around to answer that question and you can email me a
screenshot, I'll let you know.

Sorry you're having difficulty.

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