Re: [orca-list] Question about braille verbosity preferences

hi Joanie,
In brief mode displaying rolenames can be dropped if we can
find useful other symbols for declaration of roles.
we have already <x> &=y for radio buttons.
<x> should be enough to declare a checkbox.
In my opinion there is no need to display chk after the label.

Using that approach orca should have symbols for buttons slieders etc.
_page tab_
It would be nice to make these symbols configurable like for checkboxes
and radio buttons.
orca.settings.brailleCheckBoxIndicators = ["[ ]", "[x]", "[-]"]
orca.settings.brailleRadioButtonIndicators = ["( )", "(x)"]
orca.settings.enableBrailleContext = False

In general orca needs some braille improovment to work in braille only
currently orca does not support the use of cursorrouting keys on
brailledisplay in an useful way (except  edit areas).
In my opinion displaying only the currently focused object doesn't make sense owhen using brailledisplays.

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